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Swarovski Crystal Pixie - White Ballet 5g


Product Description

Swarovski CRYSTALPIXIE Nail Box in White Passion

Be it for an everyday occasion or a special event – try out CRYSTALPIXIE which brings unmatched Swarovski brilliance to your hands. CRYSTALPIXIE is made with a mixture of round and cut Swarovski Crystal in smallest sizes (~1,5 mm).

Each Nail Box includes:

  • Transparent acrylic bottle with 10 grams of CRYSTALPIXIE
  • 30 Swarovski Flat Backs in 3 colors (on transfer foil)
  • Funnel (to pour back exceeding crystal)
  • Product Instruction & Application Leaflet

Step-by-Step Application

  1. Apply two base layers of nail polish
  2. Pour Swarovski Crystal Pixie over the wet nail polish
  3. Pixie will sink into the moist nail polish
  4. Gently press and compact the Pixie into the nail bed
  5. Scrape off the exceeding Pixie from the nail rim with the finger to obtain clean edges
  6. Let polish dry – Pixie will stick onto the nail polish
  7. Apply top coat to the edges of the Crystal Pixie decoration

One bottle with 10 grams of Pixie lasts for more than 25 single nail decorations!




0.19 LBS


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